Minotaur, I And some will call me a demon,
And some will call me a beast.
Mothers snatch up their children,
If I should come within reach.
Insults will rain down upon me,
Curses on the day I was born.
Merely because all they see,
Is that I am hoofed and horned.

They fear the power nature gifted.
They hate the wild unknown.
Yet amongst these people my path led,
And alone I walk the road.
I have tried to soothe the fearful,
I have fought the ones who hate.
As through foreign lands I travel,
I grow weary from the strain.

Ancestors! Help me now,
There are no others to help me sing.
My voice alone must carry,
The wind must bear my plea.
Lend me your dusty patience,
Your wisdom steeped in time,
I am asking for some peace,
For courage past and honor mine.

-Anna Kathryn Smith
Is Dick Cheney an honest conservative or an evil propaganda machine?
Tell us your opinions on George W's right hand man.
Have an annoying parking ticket story? Of course you do. Why not rant about it right here, because you'll feel better. We here at Mindwafers don't want you going on a random killing spree because of a little ticket, mostly because we might be in line at the Walmart at that specific time.
What do you think, would you throw him a bone? Let us know and also check out our controversial Michael Vick article
Think you can write a better line for our favorite moose murdering ex-governor? Leave it as comment and show us what you got




    Corinne is an artist from Boston currently living in L.A. She teaches fine arts to children in elementary school. She also volunteers for CreateNow, a non-profit that brings the arts to under privileged teens. In her free time, she dabbles in illustration, music....and comics.

    Contact her: [email protected]


    December 2010
    April 2010
    February 2010
    November 2009
    October 2009

