Cannibal cafe
Date night in Berlin
So the moment almost arrived. I've had many a conversation about when eating crazy things would get to the point where we finally just decided to eat each other. Maybe Anthony Bordain would take the plunge and open up the field to all of us. And in Berlin, it almost looked like it might be true. A restaurant claiming to be the first "Cannibal Cafe" set up a media blitz over the past couple of months, sending the Germans into a frenzy. On one side, you had people claiming that this was barbaric and inhumane. On the other side, you had another crowd quietly licking their chops at the thought of finally tasting some delicious people meat. 

The issue was especially contentious because of a famous serial killing case a few years back in Germany where a man put out an ad looking for someone to eat. I can imagine the confused gentlemen that showed up hoping to have some guy on guy and realized that they were bathing in chicken broth instead.

But after it was all said and done, it turns out the "Cannibal Cafe" was a hoax propagated by some animal rights group. And they ruined the fun for everyone. Turns out they were trying to make some kind of point of how eating meat isn't too much unlike eating people or something. I stopped listening after I realized I would never know what a human rib would taste like.

-Big Sus
Asian sensation
9/14/2010 05:59:45 am

I almost had my ticket to Berlin booked! Don't do this to me at work. Now I'm hungry...


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