
Do you want to know what the oldest thing in the entire universe was? You know, besides Joan Rivers' face? GRB 090423 was a gamma ray burst that occured on April 23rd and was detected by the cleverly titled Swift Gamma Ray Burst Mission satellite. After a few days of reviewing infrared sources and optical and ultraviolent afterglow field and a conducting a host of other tests that are so complex and hard to describe that it makes my brain actually say "Ow" - scientists were ready to delcare GRB 090423 the current record holder for the most distant known object of any kind. And since it took 13 BILLION YEARS for the light to been seen by any Earth-made viewing devices, it was also declared the oldest known object in the entire history of the universe. How about that. Oldest thing ever. I bet it still gets carded at TGI Fridays.

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