cult of Mithras
Mithras lost the battle because of his tiny...dagger
Crystal Pepsi, Sega Dreamcast, the Bing! search engine; history is littered with products that seemed like a sure thing to make a  splash but end up gathering dust in the basement. Nothing is inherently wrong with these products- I vaguely recall Crystal Pepsi being delicious- but the order of events combined with a fickle causes some things to fail for no discernible reason. Enter the Cult of Mithras, a secretive religion that exploded within the Roman Empire in the 1st four centuries. The religion was so popular that average Roman in those days was asking "Jesus who?" before continuing to worship a sacred rock.
     This said rock is where Mithras, the all powerful God, arose from. Mithras later spent his days slaying bulls and walking around with his wang hanging out. Little concrete information is known about the religion, since texts like the Bible haven't survived, either being destroyed or simply perished. Some archeological evidence have been unearthed around Rome that give the basic backbone of the religion and clues to how widely spread it was. 
      However popular Mithras was among the Roman people and the Roman senate's attempts to increase its visibility due to its opposition to Christianity, the cult was not meant to be. After four decades of good worship, Mithras was soon forgotten when Christianity spread throughout the world. Constantine's order that Christianity be the official religion of his empire was the final nail in the coffin. Mithras' followers congratulated themselves on a job well done and faded into the dust.
    Goes to show you that, had the conditions been a bit different, we'd be worshipping rocks instead of a bearded man.

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