cinco de mayo drunk driving
By Bobby James (Email BJ)

Hey wanna sound smart when you're throwing down Coronas tonight for Cinco de Mayo? Every year, Americans go out on May 5th, get shitfaced at the bar, wear a funny hat, split a pinata and then go home and sleep it off. But does anyone have any idea what Cinco de Mayo is all about? Here's a hint: Americans have absolutely no reason to celebrate it.
The story starts predictably in Mexico, following the overthrow of the Spanish empire. Mexico was split into 2 camps; one that wanted an American style democracy, the other being a conservative style based on Catholicism, with close ties to Spain, their motherland. The rivalry descended into a civil war which lasted for a few years and ended with the defeat of the conservatives. Mexico's political turmoil was over, but the country was in tatters.
    Meanwhile, Napolean III, who owned lots of land in Mexico, decided to sweep in and see what he could grab. He was a Napolean after all, what else are they supposed to do? So France invaded Mexico on that fateful day of May 5th, 1862. France chose this moment in time because they knew that the US was stuck in our own civil war and wouldn't have the resources to fight the Frenchmen. So the Mexicans were on their own. Amazingly they won. Because they were on their own turf, the relatively small Mexican army beat off the invading French, who had one of the biggest militaries in the world. The battle lasted for 5 years but Mexico finally had ownership of their land...until the drug lords took over of course. The story of Cinco de Mayo reminds us that the most powerful don't always win, but rather the ones with the most heart. And we remind ourselves of this message each year by bashing a paper machete donkey filled with Rollos.
Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Read a more detailed history of Cinco de Mayo here
Hacksaw Jim Duggan
The original pioneer of the chant

By Big Sus (
Email Sus)

As classic American toolbags hung off fences, chugged beers while celebrating the death of Osama Bin Laden, there was a familiar tune filling the air. The soundtrack to the celebrations were the infamous chants of U-S-A! U-S-A! that we love to perform whether we're celebrating a killing, cheering for a sports team or if we're a professional wrestler named Hacksaw Jim Duggan. But this got me thinking, where did that chant come from? It's simple enough, the melody makes sense phonetically, but it had to have originated somewhere, right? An article in the Atlantic this week read my mind by tracing back the origins of the chant. It's been claimed that the chant originated after the US won during the 1980 olympics at Lake Placid. This is the famous 'miracle' season which was made into a movie starring leatherface himself, Kurt Russell, who always seems to look like he woke up from a bender. Anyway, it turns out that the chant didn't begin with the 'miracle' but rather with a sports event that we've all forgotten. A year earlier, the US traveled to Budapest and beat the Hungarian team 2-0. Considering that soccer is as popular as reading and not shooting things in our country, it seems surprising that people at one time cared about soccer that much. But sure enough, the crowd broke into a cheer of U-S-A, U-S-A! and paved the way for millions of drunk idiots for years to come.
valentines, teddy bear
The only Valentine's related item endorsed by the Mindwafers staff
By Mike (e-mail Mike)

Here at Mindwafers, we like to bring you the story behind the story. This October we let you know why you get a random day off for some asshole who got lost, and today we'll be letting you know why you just spent $50 on dead flowers. Here's to eveyone's favorite holiday - Valentine's Day! And by everyone we mean malls, florists, insecure girls, Hallmark, and restaurants.

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