By Reece (email Reece)

Bummed you're not at the Sox home opener or at some patio bar enjoying this beautiful day? Cheer up! It's Friday....Friday....Friday...(gunshot) so enjoy this re-imagining of one the worst songs in recorded history by Jimmy Fallon and the gang...

By Reece (email Reece)

A while back, I made the massive mistake of complaining about my possible wedding song and subsequently got myself in serious hot water with my beloved fiancée. Three weeks and no sex later, I think I finally ironed things out and got her to talk to me again. And along the way, I believe I have solved our problem about choosing a wedding song – in fact, I can’t believe I didn’t think of this before. Check out this guy. This is the answer – wedding interrupted by ninjas! Seriously who gives a fuck about a first dance when you’re smashing dudes across a dance floor and breaking bo-staffs across your fore-arms. If I have to slow dance for 5 minutes in front of 150 people, the least you can let me do is super kick a couple guys in my Zorro groom cape.

By Reece (email Reece)

Boy that Internet was a Wild West back in the day, wasn't it? Just mustached rapists in sleeveless Tee's striking at kids left and right, suckering them into trips to the mall. How disappointed do you think Sandy and Ling Wu were when they thought they were meeting a 12 year old new friend of theirs and Fatty McRape Stash showed up instead wearing nothing but a trenchcoat and a cock sock? By the way I could have definitely used this video back when I first I was first surfing the Prodigy net world back in the mid 90s on the family MacIntosh 89 DOS classic or whatever the fuck it was. I don't think my parents ever told me that 95% of the people I was talking to in chat rooms were sweaty dudes probably jacking off everytime I entered my a/s/l with a great big smiley face icon. Here I was just a big goof just thinking there were kids out there too that were into baseball cards and ice cream sandwiches.

PS Love that chat program they were running back then. Was that AOL AIM negative 14?

By Reece (email Reece)

The only thing more confused by this video than me is my penis. Should I be turned on by this? Is this boner material? I have no idea. On the one hand, you have boobs. Can't argue with that. But then you have this withered hag grabbing every tit in sight, caressing this poor model, and taking us step by step on how to unhook a bra like a couple of kids in the back seat of a Tercel. I don't know what the Christ is going on. I call boner. But I'd be willing to argue disgusting as well.


By Reece (email Reece)

I think it's safe to say that every guy between the ages of 22 and 40 has a soft spot in their heart for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I know personally that I spent a good part of my childhood obsessed with the cartoon show, the live action movies, and trying to buy (or at least have my parents buy me) every single action figure from Casey Jones to
Baxter Stockman (still in my attic). And all those afore mentioned aged guys can recite, off the top of their head, the theme song to the Turtles cartoon. It's right up there with the Pledge of Allegiance.

By Fackin Reece Dude (email fackin Reece)

Dude this movie got Ben Affleck, Marky Mark, DiCaprio, fackin Matt Damon, fackin Christian Bale, even fackin the dude from 30 Rock! It looks fackin sick dude! I can't wait to see it! My boys Sully and Murph were down in Eastie when they were filming it...I think.

By Doza (email Doza)

As the world prepares for the most unproductive day of the year tomorrow, why not get started early? Mindwafers's own Doza The Mendoza - basketball addict whose been known to huff gym sneakers - found this video as you get ready for Bracket Madness in the NCAA world. Enjoy the greatest moments in tourney history - Lego-ized!

Jeffrey Ross was part of the evidence response team sent in the aftermath of the bombing.
By Reece (email Reece)

Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino appeared at the Comedy Central Roast of Donald Trump and produced one of the most cringe-worthy videos I have ever seen as he attempted to do "comedy". I heard this on the radio this morning and almost had to turn it off, I felt so bad. But then I remembered that everyone on the Jersey Shore has no soul, so they can't feel common human emotions like humilation and shame anyway. So that being said, enjoy!
By Reece

I defy anyone not to laugh at this. I personally had to leave my cubicle and go to the bathroom to wipe tears out of my eyes. The part where the kid tries to fist the meal, and then the wine glass broke me down.

By NewsBot 3000 (e-mail NewsBot )

The other day, I was trying to get on the commuter rail to go into the city and realized how difficult it was for a machine like me to get onto the train. I then realized how pushy the workers were. They hurried me on and off the train as if I were a piece of metal with no feelings. I was really angry until I came across this video of people trying to get on a train in Myanmar. It definitely put a new perspective into my steal heart. To me, it looks like a new event for the Japanese TV gameshow, The Most Extreme Elimination Challenge. Spectators sit and watch to see if this person will make it on. I'm pretty sure there are some sick people hoping to see some lady lose a leg. Knowing my sick friends, they would have a point system based on it. Make it on = 5 points. You lose a leg = -2 points. Enjoy... 
keywords: myanmar, crazy train boarding, boarding,
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