By Reece (email Reece)

My struggles with Paul Reiser goes back to my beginnings. Actually - it's no secret I think he just sucks at all forms of life and comedy. The way he managed to bilk NBC out of a paycheck for 7 or whatever years for his Mad About You run was fairly crminal in my mind, but hey, who I am to judge. Paul has been gone for awhile - in related news, the Earth has been awesome - but recently premiered a new show on NBC, aptly titled The Paul Reiser Show. He recently went on Jay Leno to promote but fortunately for mankind, the show had already been cancelled before he had a chance to plug it on The Tonight Show. Ah-ha - thank you comedy karma! But I will admit this - he does do a fairly funny job making light of the situation and also completely shitting on NBC higher ups. I know, I can't believe it - Paul Reiser, funny?! It's like the Bizarro world.

Enjoy the clip and the fact that the balance between Paul Reiser and evilness has been restored back to humanity's favor.


By Reece (email Reece)

I think it's safe to say that every guy between the ages of 22 and 40 has a soft spot in their heart for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I know personally that I spent a good part of my childhood obsessed with the cartoon show, the live action movies, and trying to buy (or at least have my parents buy me) every single action figure from Casey Jones to
Baxter Stockman (still in my attic). And all those afore mentioned aged guys can recite, off the top of their head, the theme song to the Turtles cartoon. It's right up there with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Skins MTV
The opposite of my high school experience
By Big Sus (Email Sus)

I've seen at least four articles featuring the phrase "Teen Porn" in its headline this month, possibly a new record. Unfortunately, it isn't as exciting as it sounds. Rather, they're referring to Skins, a show currently airing on MTV that's been under a lot of pressure as of late from several parent groups across the country. I'm wondering when these censorship groups will realize that they only make their targets more popular. For anyone who hasn't seen or heard of it, Skins is a kind of day in the life soap opera about a group of American teens who do what most real-life teens do, namely, smoke, drink, do drugs and have sex. Oh, and they go to school. So what's so shocking about the show? Nothing really, but apparently the uncomfortable truth that teens smoke, drink and do drugs is uncomfortable for some people to handle. I guess they feel that MTV should be more responsible and go back to showing awful Jersey twenty-somethings getting drunk and teenage girls getting pregnant.

From Mike

Lately more and more I find myself drawn to anything involving Ricky Gervais, so when I saw the ads for An Idiot Abroad I decided to DVR the first episode to see what it was all about. My reward was the funniest hour of television I may have ever seen.

The concept of the show was developed by the co-writers and directors of the original Office series, Stephen Merchant and Ricky Gervais. Through luck or more likely fate, this pair was introduced to a man named Karl Pilkington who at the time was a radio producer. But they saw in him first what the rest of us are seeing now, that this man is truly one of a kind, and possibly the funniest man on the planet. The reason he's so damn hilarious? Because he's not trying to be. Not even a little bit. Karl is just one of those people that see's the world in a different way, and his simplistic yet genius observations of the world around him make An Idiot Abroad a travel show like you've never seen before.

By Rex Payne

In our last edition of Helllooo Ladies, we took a look at ABC's alien infested drama V. This time we'll be looking at women just as foreign to Sexy Rexy, Indians - and not the screamin tomahawk kind, the ridin on an elephant magic carpet kind. You don't see many Indians out in Western PA, but I did end up at an Indian Buffet one time and it didn't end well. It was like the set of Fear Factor in there - red goop, yellow goop, green goop. Looks no different on the way out than it does on the way in. Anyway, we're not here to talk about Indian food, we're here to talk about the Indian ladies of NBC's sitcom Outsourced.
Anisha Nagarajan plays Madhuri, the quiet and shy call center employee who has blossomed into one of the funnier characters in the show. In this picture Anisha is on her way to some awards thing, but in the show you'll see her in more traditional Indian wear, dot and all. Someone once told me that was the 3rd eye, which could see right into your soul....maybe that's why I don't have any Indian friends.

v, Morena Baccarin, Laura Vandervoort, hot aliens
Insert terrible 'beam me up'joke here
By Rex Payne

Helllooo Ladies is the newest series of articles set to appear on Mindwafers in 2011. In this space your man Sexy Rexy will be reviewing movies and television shows, but not quite in the way you're used to.

Let's be honest, 99% of the entertainment being produced these days isn't even worthy of leaving on for the dog when you leave the house. Hell, I once had a pitbull hang himself with his own leash because one of the hookers I forgot to kick out the next morning left on a "16 and Pregnant" marathon. The one redeeming quality left in Hollywood is that they continue to cast unrealisticly hot women in key roles in order to capture the interest of the lowest denominator - or in other words so they can steal 10 minutes of a ratings share when I stop by to unload a day's worth of sexual frustration.

So Big Rex is going to review the world of movies and television, based soley on the tasty ladies in the cast, and focusing very little if at all on the content itself. Rex is a man of the people, and I'm here to make sure you don't waste a perfectly good solo session on the Jersey Shore trolls when you could be doing so much better. First up is ABC's alien invasion fantasy, V.

    Politics, sports, news, science, entertainment, food - all brought to you with salacious humor, sexual innuendos, bold predictions, and profound impact as you coast through your 9 thru 5. Read on, net  pioneer and let us know if you like what you read.

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