Lou Dobbs
His jacket is made from 100% Nicaraguan hair
You would think by now, TV personalities and politicians would learn that anything they say is being recorded. More than that, there's a public with a lot of time on their hands (now because of unemployment!) and a 24-hour news cycle that just needs to fill the airwaves with shit that people will watch. Regardless of these facts, the extreme personalities on television still peddle their bullshit while they are inevitably outed as being hypocrites at whatever they were railing against in the first place.

Consider Lou Dobbs, former CNN personality and verified hater of illegals everywhere. Dobbs devoted his entire program, Lou Dobbs Tonight to tackling the issue of illegal immigration. You would think after a few shows he would have run out of things to say, but Dobbs could never exhaust the issue. He talked about illegal immigration the way a Pixies fan talks about Doolittle. So it comes as no surprise when recently it was discovered that Dobbs has been employing illegal immigrants to work on the equestrian farm at his home in Sussex, New Jersey. By now, you've probably realized the irony that the guy who criticized dirt poor illegal immigrants has an equestrian farm at his house. You may have even had to look up what an equestrian farm is. 

The thing I continually don't get about these situations is, what the hell was Dobbs thinking? Isn't it obvious that if you spend your entire career pushing extreme points of view you're going to be a target? (If you don't think so,just ask Martin Luther King Jr.) Am I'm not trying to make Dobbs out to be King. I wouldn't even compare Lou Dobbs to Larry King. But the point is, if you're making radical comments, people tend to watch what you do, regardless of what side of the political aisle you're on. It's like Betty Ford passed out in a public bathroom from a heroin overdose. If your going to be a hypocrite, make damn sure you're not on television.

In other hypocrite news, candidate for Governor Meg Whitman is some big trouble. And no I'm not talking about the fact that she looks like Dauber from Coach:
Meg Whitman
Dauber from Coach
Rather, Whitman's troubles stem from the allegations that she, too, hired an illegal immigrant, who worked as her maid for the past few years. Maybe Whitman and Lou Dobbs should hooks up and make a grotesque baby together, all the while being midwifed by a Honduran woman looking to feed her family of 15. 

Of course Whitman has denied the allegations, telling the press and the courts that she had no prior knowledge of the woman's legal status. Once again, it brings up the issue of whether the employer or the employee should take the blame for the employment of illegal immigrants. And where does that usually lead us? This is America, damn it, of course we take the side of the employer. Time after time, we hear how terrible it is for people to come here and have the audacity to work, but never hear a thing about the companies that employ these people. And again, right on cue, the media has struck again. Virtually before the issue was raised, media outlets were painting Nikki Diaz, the housekeeper, as a parasite and a liar. Witness the pussy interview that Neil Cavuto had with Whitman, where he barely even challenged the woman on knowing that her housekeeper was illegal, even know there are records of the application having a blank next the social security. Hmm, no social? Seems okay by me. And then came this interview on Fox News with Greta Van Sustren with Diaz' attorney, Gloria Allred. If you look on the conservative sites, they claim that this was a slam dunk for Van Sustren, as she paints Allred out to be a sniveling lawyer out to make herself famous. She questions Allred on why Diaz took so long to report Whitman's alleged mistreatment. Here's the interview below, you be the judge:
Ok, it's pretty clear that this lady probably does want to make a name for herself; she's a lawyer after all. But this argument is used to detract attention away from the fact that Whitman still hired an illegal immigrant without performing any background check. Fox is clearly using a technique where they discredit someone involved with the situation while trying to make the whole case void (I'm sure there's some kind of fancy technical words for that). It's the same thing that happened with ACORN, where one guy's antics (which later ended up being fabricated by the way) took down the whole organization. Getting on the 'lawyers are all scum' train is just a way to sidestep the whole 'Meg Whitman is scum' train. Don't be fooled.

In other hypocrite news, Senate hopeful Rand Paul, the militant libertarian who (at least outwardly) opposes government entitlement programs has some 'splaining to do. Turns out that Paul, who is a doctor, has more than 50% of his patients coming from the Medicare bus. Seems once again that government entitlements are horrible unless they're given to you. In a similar story, Nevada Senate candidate for biggest crazy (which says a lot in this election cycle) Sharon Angle was found out to be on her husband's Federal Health Employee plan, a government handout if there ever was one. And you know the usual refrain of denial, "Well everyone else gets it, so why shouldn't I take." Riggghhhhttt. So it's the system's fault, not yours. The system doesn't take advantage of itself Sharon. Let's lead by example, shall we?


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