Bushwhackers Linda McMahon
Future members of McMahon's cabinet
As the Senate race heats up in Connecticut, Republican hopeful Linda McMahon, husband of the WWE founder Vince McMahon, is pulling out all the stops. These stops include lying her head off and spending over $50 million dollars of her own fortune on the campaign. One quick question; why is someone considered an 'outsider' if they have a spare $50 million to invest? Isn't being super wealthy the very definition of being an insider? Anyway, McMahon's latest gaff included various statements she's made, railing against the lobbyist culture in Washington and how she wants to rid the country of K Street and all the evil associated with it. The only problem is that her own company, WWE (which she now heads) spent a fair amount of money lobbying congress over the past decade, including $80,000 in campaign contribution around the time of the big hoopla over the sports steroid scandals. It looks as though $80,000 is what it takes for Congress to look the other way even though half of your past staff died from steroid overdoses (including our beloved Texas Tornado). 

Just in case, you missed the point there, speaking out against lobbying while having your own company lobby in Washington is kind of like speaking out against  drugs and being a heroin addict. Yet, so far, there's been little backlash over the 'mistake' as she calls it. Maybe because half the country has no idea what a lobbyist is or what they do. In a nutshell, they're paid to convince (or bribe) politicians. For more info, learn yourself a little bit here.

Meanwhile, McMahon has tried to provide a smokescreen by accusing her opponent, Richard Blumenthal, of exaggerating his military record, claiming that he served in Vietnam while he stayed in the States, chilling with the National Guard. Lying about your military service? For shame! Hmmm, where have I heard that before? Something about a guy named Shrub, or Hedge, or...nevermind, I can't remember.

Either way, the Tea Party may have their day on November 2nd and they've proven a valuable point. No, not anything about the power of protest and the voice of the people, but rather that whatever candidate spends the most money on their campaigns will win the race. Cheers to democracy in America! DeToqueville would be so proud!

And here's a classy one for the road:


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