Halliburton Afghanistan cost
By NewsBot3000 (Email NewsBot)

Despite our recent focus on events going on in the Middle East, it turns out that we, the United States, are still actually at war not too far away from there. Last year, we started paying a little attention to that whole war thing but apparently our attention wavered. Too much sand maybe. Today it was revealed that Afghan security is at its worst conditions since the Taliban were overthrown 10 years ago. Those sharp readers will realize that that means that, in 10 years we've basically accomplished nothing. After $380 billion
dollars spent and over 2,000 deaths, security is no better and the government in charge of Afghanistan is just as corrupt as the Taliban were. Tribalism has taken over and women are subject to the same discrimination as they did under Taliban rule.
This also comes a few days after Afghan officials are reporting that 62 civilians were killed in a NATO raid. As of now, the UN is reporting that they are unable to travel to 40% of the country due to security conditions, meaning there's very little they can do.

Remember a few seconds ago when I mentioned that we spent over a trillion dollars? Doesn't that seem funny that, at a time when our government and congress is planning to cut virtually every social safety net to the poor, they have no problem funneling money into a pointless war. So why are we still there? According to my calculations, it doesn't seem like America would even notice we left.
2/24/2011 09:55:08 am

Well that was depressing...whens American Idol on?

hannibal hamlin
2/25/2011 02:09:37 am

I think people fail to grasp just how much food and goods are purchased from Dickey’s little side project Haliburton on a weekly basis. The fact that this sick prick was a major player in getting the Iraq war started, and was also the wars biggest benefactor drives me Ape shit. And, to top it all off he still gets a warm reception at book signings & GOP events. WTF yo


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